What Can We learn From Spine Race Finishers - January
Why Leadership Development Fails and How to
Fix it - January 2019
The Corporate Love Model - Taken from the book 'Love
is the Answer'
Love Is The Answer - Division of Occupational Psychology Conference Presentation 2017
Healthy Self Love
Love Life Audit
Corporate Love Model Summary
Love in the Workplace Research Results
People vs Task Continuum for LITA
Love Your People -
American Association for Physician Leadership
United By Chocolate:
Fiona is the author of Divided by Gender, United by
Chocolate: Differences in the Boardroom. Are you a Charismatic
Explorer, a Relational Negotiator, a Transactional Director
or a Transformational Builder? Understanding
the psychobiology of Leadership Temperament Types - how biology underpins our
leadership and management styles - will make you a better
leader, and will improve the effectiveness of your teams,
your Board and your organisation. It will also help
you avoid those costly recruitment and promotion mistakes
which are all too common.
Purchase the book from Amazon by
clicking here or
click here to download
a free taster of the book. For multiple book
orders please contact us directly -
Temperament Types
Free resources from our best-selling book ‘United by
Chocolate, Divided by Gender: Differences in the Boardroom’
The 3 Pillars Model of Authentic Leadership
The 10 Principles of Authentic Leadership
The People/Task Continuum
The Extreme Male Brain Theory
Find out more at United by Chocolate
Volunteer Leadership and
Volunteer Management - Article in The Guardian
Short version of the article
Herding Cats - The Effective Leadership and
Management of Volunteers
Herding Cats - The Effective Leadership and
Management of Volunteers (Presentation -
Division of Occupational Psychology)
Authentic Leadership
Authentic leadership:
development of a new three pillar model
Fiona Beddoes-Jones and Stephen Swailes - June 2015
Authentic Leadership - The key to building Trust - People
Management UK
article first appeared in
People Management magazine, August
Reproduced with the permission of the publisher, the
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, London
Authentic Leadership - MBA Journal
Having the Courage to Lead - Training Journal
2011 Authentic Leadership Conference
Great Leadership - Turns out it's not rocket science
after all. A new model of authentic leadership.
What is Authentic Leadership?
Authentic Leadership e-book for Business
Authentic Leadership e-book for RAF
The Authentic Leadership 360 - The Courage to Lead - RAF
Leadership Centre
The Courage to Lead - Part I by Fiona Beddoes-Jones
The Courage to Lead Part II by Fiona Beddoes Jones
‘Aspiring to Leadership’
- Eurograduate
Cognitive Fitness
Cognitive Fitness Blog - for the latest updates
and articles
What is Cognitive Fitness?
Eurograduate - 'In Search of Cognitive Fitness'
Eurograduate - 'Think Yourself to the Top'
How to Succeed at Interviews - Eurograduate
Developing the Thinking Performer - Full Paper
Developing the Thinking Performer - Professional
Standards Research - People Management
What is Cognitive Gap Analysis?
Thinking Skills Exercises
Spine Race Hebden
Bridge Training 2013
Spine Race Hebden Bridge Training 2017 -
'Race Psychology – The Mind Game'
Research, Articles and
The Psychology of a Consultant - Imperial College
A PowerPoint Presentation
Driving the Spirit of Innovation - An article by Julia
Should We Blame the Bankers? - An article by Julia
Miller and Fiona Beddoes-Jones
Positive Thinking or Relentless Optimism? - An article
by Julia Miller
8th International Leadership Conference Presentation
The Manifestation of Authentic Leadership within the RAF
was presented at the 8th International Studying
Leadership Conference.
‘The value and benefits of metacognitive awareness in
the workplace: developing the 'thinking performer''
A paper presented at the CIPD Professional Standards
The design and development of a new psychometric
A paper presented at Harrogate 10th
International Conference on Thinking.
‘An evaluation of the thinking preferences of engineers
to assist in their personal and professional
A paper presented at Greece 4th International
Conference on Education, Athens